
Summer Evensong Series

The summer Evensong series returns to Holy Trinity, Lascelles in 2024! Please join us for this beautiful way to close the weekend with a rotating series of ministers and musicians. Held starting at 7:00pm every Sunday evening July 7th through August 25th (inclusive). A reception follows the service.

Classical Concert Series

The Classical Concert series of concerts features rotating guest musicians on the third Sunday of each month. The series is on hiatus over the summer but will return in the Fall. E-mail us at to be added to the concert-specific mailing list or if you are a musician interested in performing.

Book Group Reading Indigenous Authors

The Reading Indigenous Authors book group is meeting next in September. Please contact Meg Sinclair at to be added to the email distribution list.


The Church of the Good Shepherd can now accept e-transfers for regular donations, the Food Pantry, and many events and activities. Instructions are available on the donations page.

St. Mary Magdalene

Our sister church, St. Mary Magdalene, Chelsea, has their own website. Please visit it for the latest information about their services and events.




For information on the Chelsea Market, please click here.






We are a welcoming Christian community, nurturing life's balance in God's changing world.

Bienvenue dans la paroisse de Chelsea-Lascelles-Wakefield. Notre paroisse comprend trois églises.

Welcome to the web site of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Wakefield and Holy Trinity, Lascelles, a part of the Parish of Chelsea-Lascelles-Wakefield.

Please see our Worship services page and the calendar of events for upcoming services and events.

For more about who we are, please see the about us page. For information about our parish events, please see our calendar page, or click on the calendar to the left.



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Worship Services


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